Twelve strangers are sequestered away on a hot, steamy afternoon to deliver a verdict in a trial that appears open and shut. But one juror fights to convince the others that the case may not be as black and white as it seems. The twelve confront one another and their own prejudices in a struggle to deliver justice in an often unjust system.

Directed by guest artist, Allen Ebert
Allen has produced, directed, and performed many productions. He currently works for the University of Wisconsin Arts Institute, where he manages, directs, and produces a variety of projects. You might remember Allen as the former executive director of La Crosse Community Theatre. There he directed The Women of Lockerbie, a participant in the 2007 national AACTFest in Charlotte, North Carolina. Allen received his undergraduate theatre degree at UW-Madison. In the past few years, he has adjudicated and conducted workshops at state and regional festivals across the nation and has enjoyed being a director and an acting instructor for theatre companies across the globe.
Opened in 2013, the Veterans Studio Theatre offers ample leg room and clear views of the stage from any of its 100 seats. Entrances and exits are centrally located and fully accessible for all.