Ten-year-old Violet is determined to show the world, not to mention the cool kids at school, just how special she is. With the help of her assistant Freddy, she sets out to break a world record, but becomes accidentally extraordinary when she’s struck by lightning–twice–and gains control over all things electric. Under the name Miss Electricity, Violet zaps her way through circuits, bullies, and tests, but could lose everything when the power goes to her head.

Directed by guest artist Stacy Bruemmer
Stacy has all kinds of experience on the stage. A performer since the age of 12, Stacy has trod many a board in her life. Stacy teaches acting and other fun theatre things on Saturday mornings at LCT. She has been in several children’s productions, most recently, The Snowy Day, and Other Stories by Ezra Jack Keats. Miss Electricity is her first opportunity to direct! Children are some of Stacy’s very favorite people, so what better way to take a new and bigger step in this journey of theatre than to direct a show specifically for kids? Stacy is a preschool aid with the La Crosse district and has two ridiculously talented children of her own! MacKinley is currently at Northern State University studying musical theatre, and Julianna is a freshman at Logan High School.
Opened in 2013, the Veterans Studio Theatre offers ample leg room and clear views of the stage from any of its 100 seats. Entrances and exits are centrally located and fully accessible for all.