Bernard has a lover who is pretending to be Robert’s lover so Jacqueline wouldn’t know she was Bernard’s lover. Meanwhile, Robert is Jacqueline’s lover pretending to be Bernard’s lover’s lover so Bernard wouldn’t know Jacqueline had a lover. And Bernard’s lover is pretending to be the cook while the real cook pretends to be Robert’s lover. Will anyone be sober enough for dinner!? It’s an evening of hilarious confusion as Bernard and Robert improvise at breakneck speed.

Directed by guest artist, Liz Golson
Liz received her BFA in Music Theatre from The Hartt School in 2007 and enjoyed acting professionally all over the country for more than a decade. After a strange and wonderful acting career, Liz began to direct and choreograph, most recently directing The Secret Garden and Fools and choreographing Cabaret at LCT.

Opened in 2013, the Lyche Theatre offers ample leg room and clear views of the stage from any of its 450 seats. Entrances and exits are centrally located and fully accessible for all.