The show has been struck and our actors have taken their final bows.
Thanks for a great run.
Comedic in tone, dramatic in action – the play tells the story of the Plantagenet family, who are locked in a free-for-all of competing ambitions to inherit a kingdom. The queen, and wealthiest woman in the world, Eleanor of Aquitaine, has been kept in prison since raising an army against her husband, King Henry II. Let out only for holidays, the play centers around the inner conflicts of the royal family as they fight over both a kingdom and King Henry’s paramour during the Christmas of 1183. As Eleanor says, “Every family has its ups and downs,” and this royal family is no exception.
THE LION IN WINTER is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals on behalf of Samuel French, Inc.

Directed by Nate Mohlman
Nate Mohlman has worked for the Utah Shakespeare Festival during the 2020 and 2021 seasons as the Assistant Technical Director of the Randall Stage. Nate has also worked as the Assistant Technical Director for the McLeod Summer Playhouse and has worked for other organizations including Theatre West Summer Repertory and the Eau Claire Children’s Theatre. Nate has had the opportunity to present Building Greener Theatre at the Kentucky Thespians Festival and Move It, Move It: Scenery Robot at the SETC and USITT theatre conferences. He has received many awards for his work in technical theatre including the Excellence in Technical Production for 2021 award at SIU, the Bernard C. Tushaus Award for Technical Excellence, the Alpha Psi Omega Dr. Hal Shiffler Award, and the Scarlet Mask.
Opened in 2013, the Veterans Studio Theatre offers ample leg room and clear views of the stage from any of its 100 seats. Entrances and exits are centrally located and fully accessible for all.